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무균실 반도체 장치 설치되

  • 主要承作半導體設備拆裝機、自動化物流倉儲搬運系統、機電組立校正工程、自動化設備組裝及各項電控配盤設備安裝等高端市場的工程。

    반도체 설비 개조, 기계 수리, 정밀 설비 교정 조립, 고공 작업차 작업, 자동화 물류 창고 저장 운반 시스템 공정을 담당합니다.



我們從台灣早期剛興盛的電子電路板到現在的半導體、IC面板、AI智能、自動化物流、PLC控制 等,一路科技業的發展得以累積豐富的經驗,其中包含評估開發、設計、改造、調機、量產等階段經驗,和維護硬體相關設備經驗。

Zhaoxin electric LTD. Is mainly engaged in semiconductor dust-free room equipment disassembly, assembly, and transfer operation, it is committed to the construction of AI intelligent automation equipment machinery assembly plant, the cultivation of enterprise high-quality talents, the research and guidance of electromechanical assembly engineering technology, and the installation of automatic logistics warehousing and handling system and PLC automatic controller system at home and abroad.


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조신전기유한회사는 주로 반도체 무균실 설비 분해기 이체 작업을 담당하고 AI 지능 자동화 장치 기계 조립 공장 건설에 주력하며 기업 양질의 인재 육성, 전기기계 조립 공정 기술 연구 지도, 국내외 배치 자동화 물류 창고 운반 시스템, PLC 자동화 컨트롤러 시스템 설치 공정을 담당합니다.

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兆新電機提供國內外設備組裝工程: 自動化設備校正組立、無塵室移機、無塵室設備改造拆裝機、高空工作車作業、缺氧局限空間作業、各項電控配盤設備安裝。

Our company provides domestic and foreign equipment assembly engineering: automation equipment calibration, dust-free room relocation, dust-free room equipment transformation and disassembly, work car operation at heights, anoxic limited space operation, installation of various electronic control panel equipment.


Undertake semiconductor equipment transformation and machine fixation contracting projects, achieve customer expectations. We attach importance to our customers' goals, formulate the best strategies and services for different products, and work with a rigorous attitude.


We have been making improvements in scientific and technological innovation for a long time, when encountering difficulties, we invest more time and energy to overcome adversity in the spirit of continuous progress, and develop a firm and solid foundation through years of experience, use this resilience to be stronger and stimulate our potential.